Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Honey, Things Got Reeal Ugly.

After yesterday's post, today is a day I would have used the mutilation. Just an all around crap of a day. I would have pulled out my box & had my way with it. I'm glad I don't do that anymore. I know that I'm happier this way. But I can't deny I'm still in close possession of my box of wonderment. But there's some amount of comfort that lies in the knowledge a safety net's in place. That there's always that other option in the other ones fall through. You never really imagine having to use your seat cushion as a floating device while you soar through the sky, but it's a comfort to know it's beneath you. & it's a comfort to know I sit above my box daily. One day I hope I can rid of the box completely. I hope that day comes soon.

I guess I'm going to use this as a place to vent. So here we go:
I had a test today. But I didn't know about it until yesterday. So I had much cramming to do. Of course I decided to constantly procrastinate instead, & in the end I screwed myself over. A real number 12. I watch Lost with a friend every tuesday night, & last night was not an exception. Except she wouldn't leave. I felt bad about asking her to leave, so I never did. She ended up staying until a little after 1:15. Yeah, in the am. So I had to pretty much start studying then. While she was there I wrote a paper, but still didn't study.

I didn't get to sleep until 4:45 (again sadly in the am) & had to wake up at 8. Between classes I tried to study by I just couldn't concentrate. I ended up slipping & flailing myself into a wall mid morning, making me feel like a complete idiot for the rest of the day.

I went to lunch with a friend. I normally go to lunch with her on mondays but we ate together today. It is normally okay, she talks about her weekend while I talk. However, she seems sort of upset with me the whole time. Once her friends arrived (who I didn't know were coming & DO NOT like me) I was completely left out of the conversation. The whole time they were speaking about something I didn't know about. Some plans they had made. I even asked once what they were talking about but was ignored.

After that delightful lunch, I went to take my test. & failed. Great.

As I walked back to my dorm, dead tired, my Mother gives me a call. Wonderful. She had much to say. I was still on the phone with her when I got to my room & found that one of my frogs had died. At that I lost it a bit.

Now I have an essay I need to finish.

However, Shelly is coming to visit me tonight! So I know in a few hours I will be filled with joy. Just give it some time.


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